Configuration Variables

Setting the reply_to variable.
The reply_to variable is used to set the "Reply-To: " field in the headers of the email message. When someone receives a message with this field set, their email program defaults to responding to the address in the "Reply-To: " field.

There is a potential problem with setting the "Reply-To: " to be the list itself. If someone goes on vacation and has a particularly unintelligent auto-responder set up, what can happen is that a listmember will send a message to the list. This will go to the person on vacation, who generates an autoreply to the list (because of the "Reply-To" setting). The list then sends that message to the listmembers (including the original sender), which generates another autoresponse, etc. Quickly, everyone can end up with hundreds of messages.

It mostly doesn't happen because either:

  1. Good auto-responders keep a database of addresses where they've already sent a response, or
  2. The autoresponse gets caught by BIGLIST's filters which look for phrases like "away from my mail" and "on vacation," etc.

Another issue we've seen is that when there's a problem delivering a message to one of the list members, some mail delivery software (incorrectly) sends a report of the error to the Reply-To address rather than to the original sender. If this is set to the list address, then everyone will receive the cryptic error message. This generally isn't a problem since we have filters set up for these types of messages, but if one sneaks by, let us know and we'll figure out how to catch it next time.

Most email programs have 2 different reply functions - one to go to the original sender ("reply"), and one to go to everyone ("group reply"), so some people prefer that the "Reply-To: " not be set, since email programs generally default to the "Reply-To: " address. It's really up to the list owner and members.

A longer, more passionate view of the setting of the "Reply-To: " field can be found by following this link.
