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ERNIE, please use the form on the
linked page. We agree, generally, that VC Money is like any form of narcotic. In the
right (and trained) hands, it's the energy required to transform things.
In the wrong hands (and this happens far too often), it's a recreational
drug. For the recreational crowd, the hangover begins when the drug runs
But, 95% of our industry was built without the aid of venture
financing. The rugged, small shops are plugging away with banner sales
months this quarter. Somehow, the VC based firms, with their hearty
appetite for other people's money (OPM) are struggling because times are
getting tough. These are the teams who are cutting back on advertising
expenses when the market is a bit constipated. Any fool with a little
experience understands that right now is the most important time to
It all stems from reading too many magazines like Forbes instead of
picking up the phone and making more sales calls.
What happens when the economy shifts is that your sales percentages
decline. That means "add more sales people". Market share, abandoned by
the recreational players is up for grabs right now. CEO's who engage in
pondering and restraint at this juncture risk failure in order to avoid
making a mistake.
We have little doubt that the Newspaper web sites are having a little
bit of difficulty. After all, this is the sales team's first experience
with the normal shedding that every economy needs to maintain its vigor.
It's no surprise to hear of the panic and over-reaction in their ranks.
Businesses that thrive sell when it's hard and prune when it's fat. That's
how you tell the difference.
In each of the 256 major Metropolitan statistical areas, there are four
or five region-specific job boards who never received OPM and are growing
today. Their expectations of going public and becoming gazillionaires are
a wee bit tarnished. But, small entrepreneurial teams of five to eight can
man these operations while they turn a profit in the gloomiest of times.
Who'd want to sell a business like that?
What position can Sendouts.com
put your firm in?
A more
competitive one.
Final reason to visit us:
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