DocBook DSSSL Stylesheets version 1.29 released

Subject: DocBook DSSSL Stylesheets version 1.29 released
From: Norman Walsh <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 14:59:25 -0500

I've put version 1.29 of the DocBook DSSSL Stylesheets online at

This is the first non-experimental release since 1.24.

Changes since version 1.24 (1998-11-19)

Changes to docbook/*

  | 1998-12-14  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* VERSION: Version 1.29 released.
  | 1998-12-04  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* VERSION: Version 1.28 released.
  | 1998-12-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* VERSION: Version 1.27 released
  | 1998-11-30  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* VERSION: Version 1.26 released.
  | 1998-11-25  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* VERSION: Version 1.25 released.

Changes to docbook/lib/*

  | 1998-12-04  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dblib.dsl: Fixed definition of sgml-root-element.  I knew there was a
  | 	better way!
  | 	Added sgml-root-element? to test if a node is the root.
  | 1998-11-25  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dblib.dsl: Added component-descendant-node-list and
  | 	component-list-descendant-node-list. These find
  | 	descendants in a list from a given ancestor.

Changes to docbook/common/*

  | 1998-12-14  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbcommon.dsl:
  | 	Added (data-of) function.  It works like (data) except that
  | 	the content of INDEXTERMs is suppressed.
  | 	* dbl1usen.dsl: Added intra-label-sep for LISTITEM
  | 	* dbcommon.dsl:
  | 	Added orderedlist-listitem-label and orderedlist-listitem-label-recursive
  | 	to find the item number of a LISTITEM in an ORDEREDLIST. The
  | 	recursive form gives nested labels (e.g., 2.1.3.) where the
  | 	non-recursive form simply gives the label (e.g., 3.)
  | 1998-12-04  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbl10n.dsl: Left 'fi' out of lot-title by mistake
  | 	* dbcommon.dsl:
  | 	Added $section-hlevel$, a simple test for depth based on GI
  | 1998-11-30  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbl10n.dsl: Added Finnish
  | 	* dbl1fi.dsl, dbl1fi.ent: New file.
  | 1998-11-25  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbcommon.dsl, dbl1usen.dsl, dbl1usen.ent:
  | 	A RefSynopsisDiv has a default title

Changes to docbook/print/*

  | 1998-12-14  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dblink.dsl: Use (data-of) instead of (data).
  | 	* docbook.dsl, version.dsl:
  | 	Added VERSION to version message (which isn't actually used
  | 	in the print stylesheets...)
  | 1998-12-13  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* docbook.dsl: Added flow object classes for TeX support
  | 	* dblists.dsl:
  | 	Reset first-line-start-indent so that nested VARIABLELISTs are
  | 	formatted correctly.
  | 	* dblink.dsl: Added support for XREF to LISTITEM of an ORDEREDLIST.
  | 	* dbblock.dsl:
  | 	Added support for BOP footnotes and floating formal objects if the
  | 	TeX backend is being used.
  | 	* dbparam.dsl:
  | 	Added tex-backend, mif-backend, rtf-backend, and default-backend.
  | 	Added (print-backend).
  | 	Added formal-object-float: if #t, formal objects "float" when
  | 	the TeX backend is used.
  | 	Added bop-footnotes: if #t, footnotes appear at the bottom of
  | 	each page instead of collected at the end of a section. This is
  | 	only supported in the TeX backend.
  | 1998-12-04  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbbibl.dsl:
  | 	Complete rewrite of bibliograpy handling.  Almost all elements
  | 	are now output.  See contrib/*/short-biblioentry.dsl for an
  | 	example of how to restrict the output.
  | 	* dbsect.dsl: Moved $section-hlevel$ to dbcommon
  | 1998-12-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dblink.dsl: Fixed badly broken LINK semantics
  | 1998-11-30  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbparam.dsl: Changed default min-leading to allow graphics that are
  | 	taller than the current leading to be rendered.
  | 	* dbttlpg.dsl: More work on titlepages.  Removed use of (default) rule
  | 	so now nested elements should format properly.
  | 	* dbcallou.dsl: AreaSpec, Area, and AreaSet should be empty
  | 	* dbblock.dsl: Move formatting for Abstract off of (abstract para) and
  | 	onto abstract proper.
  | 	* dbparam.dsl: Added %article-title-quadding% and
  | 	%article-subtitle-quadding%
  | 	* docbook.dsl: Added Finnish
  | 	* dbl1fi.dsl: New file.
  | 	* dbinline.dsl: Added TM to Trademark; made Option monocase
  | 1998-11-25  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbparam.dsl: Fixed typo in ID
  | 	* dbparam.dsl: Added %show-ulinks% and %show-comments%
  | 	* dbttlpg.dsl: Completely reworked.  Again.  Now there should be
  | 	*some* output for every element that can occur
  | 	in an "info" node.
  | 	* dbrfntry.dsl:
  | 	Create new simple-page-sequence if RefEntry is the root node
  | 	* dbmath.dsl: Added (incomplete) support for equation autolabelling.
  | 	* dblink.dsl: Support %show-ulinks%
  | 	* dbverb.dsl: Don't force quadding in literal layout environments, let
  | 	it be inherited
  | 	* dbinline.dsl: Comment is now a block, not an inline
  | 	* dbdivis.dsl: Handle Footnotes in PartIntro
  | 	* dbblock.dsl: Suppress footnotes in suppressed comments.
  | 	Support %show-comments%

Changes to docbook/html/*

  | 1998-12-14  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbhtml.dsl: Arguments to $standard-html-header$ are optional (they
  | 	were added only moments ago).
  | 	* dbnavig.dsl:
  | 	A navigation list is now passed around after it's calculated
  | 	so that fewer functions have to calculate it themselves.
  | 	Seems like a good idea, but it didn't really fix the performance
  | 	problem.
  | 	* dbhtml.dsl: I'm still chasing a performance problem associated with
  | 	long sequences of REFENTRY.  I thought that calculating
  | 	prev/next might be the culprit.  Then I noticed that
  | 	they were being calculated eight times for each element.
  | 	So now I calculate them once and pass them along.
  | 	* dblink.dsl: Use (data-of) instead of (data).
  | 	* dbhtml.dsl, docbook.dsl, version.dsl:
  | 	Added VERSION to the version message
  | 1998-12-13  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbnavig.dsl:
  | 	Make sure that BIBLIOGRAPHYs inside elements other than BOOK aren't
  | 	chunks.
  | 	Reorganized the code that returns the name of the file that contains
  | 	a node so that it is possible to get the name without the path.
  | 	* dblink.dsl: Allow XREF to LISTITEM in ORDEREDLIST
  | 1998-12-04  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbbibl.dsl:
  | 	Complete rewrite of bibliograpy handling.  Almost all elements
  | 	are now output.  See contrib/*/short-biblioentry.dsl for an
  | 	example of how to restrict the output.
  | 	* dbdivis.dsl, dbrfntry.dsl: Make sure divisions have anchors
  | 1998-12-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbttlpg.dsl: Added support for a "#f" %html-pubid%
  | 	* dbparam.dsl:
  | 	Made the default public identifier "#f". Add your own if you want
  | 	a doctype declaration.
  | 	* dblink.dsl: Fixed badly broken LINK semantics!
  | 	* dbhtml.dsl:
  | 	Fixed bug that caused multiple HEAD elements to be output in a document
  | 1998-11-30  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbttlpg.dsl: More work on titlepage stuff.  No longer use a (default)
  | 	rule so elements within titlepage elements will get the
  | 	correct formatting.
  | 	* dbl10n.dsl, docbook.dsl: Added Finnish
  | 	* dbl1fi.dsl: New file.
  | 	* dbinline.dsl: Added TM to Trademark; made Option monocase
  | 	* dbhtml.dsl: Output HEAD even if nochunks is used.
  | 1998-11-25  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* dbparam.dsl: Fixed typo in ID
  | 	* dbmath.dsl: Autolabelling should remain #f until the support
  | 	is complete.
  | 	* dbttlpg.dsl: Completely reworked.  Again.  Now there should be
  | 	*some* output for every element that can occur
  | 	in an "info" node.
  | 	* dbmath.dsl:
  | 	Support autolabelled equations (this support is still under
  | 	development)
  | 	* dbrfntry.dsl: Support a default title on RefSynopsisDiv
  | 	* dbinline.dsl: Comment is a block now, not an inline
  | 	* dbfootn.dsl:
  | 	Support footnotes in PartIntro and don't show footnotes in suppressed Comments
  | 	* dbdivis.dsl: Show footnotes in PartIntro
  | 	* dbblock.dsl: Show comments if %show-comments% is #t.
  | 	* dbparam.dsl: Added %show-comments%

Changes to docbook/bin/*

  | 1998-11-30  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	*
  | 	Fix bug where wring closing tag is emitted.  At least,
  | 	I think I fixed that bug...
  | 1998-11-20  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	*
  | 	If the index doesn't exist, that doesn't mean it's been
  | 	edited by hand!
  | 	* Added structured comments when -N is used.

Changes to docbook/test/*

  | 1998-12-14  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* xchapter.sgm: Added XREF test
  | 	* footnote.sgm: Footnote tests
  | 	* xmath.sgm: New file.
  | 	* xbook.sgm: Added a few more tests.
  | 1998-12-02  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* docinfo.rtf: New file.
  | 1998-11-30  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* docinfo.sgm: New file.

Changes to docbook/test/cases/*

  | 1998-12-04  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* biblio.sgm: Added a really full biblioentry.
  | 1998-11-30  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* mlang.sgm: Added Finnish
  | 1998-11-25  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* iterms.sgm: Added IDs
  | 	* refent.sgm: Removed RefSynopsisDiv title
  | 	* math.sgm: New file.
  | 	* index.sgm, gloss.sgm, biblio.sgm: Added ID

Changes to docbook/docsrc/*

  | 1998-12-05  Norman Walsh  <ndw@xxxxxxxxxx>
  | 	* install.sgm: Fixed references to Robin Cover's site

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