RTF generation

Subject: RTF generation
From: Adam Di Carlo <adam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 20 Apr 1999 00:13:06 -0400
I'm having problems with RTF generation, in conjunction with jade and
docbook-stylesheets 1.39.  The RTF seems oddly stripped down --
bringing it up in Word basically just brings it up as a big flat file,
no para breaks, no formatting, nothing.

Basically, if you want to see the source, download the source at
http://www.onshore-timesheet.org/>.  However, I don't think the source
is the problem -- we get this problem on *any* DocBook SGML files.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}
{\colortbl;}{\stylesheet{\s1 Heading 1;}{\s2 Heading 2;}{\s3 Heading 3;}{\s4 Heading 4;}{\s5 Heading 5;}{\s6 Heading 6;}{\s7 Heading 7;}{\s8 Heading 8;}{\s9 Heading 9;}}
\pard\sl-240 {\*\bkmkstart ID_INSTALL}{\*\bkmkend ID_INSTALL}\fs20 onShore TimeSheet Installation Manual      This document discusses how to install onShore TimeSheet and configure       it's supporting database and web servers.   {\*\bkmkstart ID_INTRODUCTION}{\*\bkmkend ID_INTRODUCTION}Introduction to onShore TimeSheet      onShore TimeSheet full timesheet management system.  It is a       collection of CGI SQL-embedded Perl scripts which offer a       graphical interface to a relational database back-end.       onShore TimeSheet enables employees or contractors who need to track       their hours worked on a particular project for a client

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