RE: sgml-parse and GC

Subject: RE: sgml-parse and GC
From: "Hennessy, Sean" <shennessy@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 07:32:11 -0700
Didier says:
Ad contrario, this gives you something. Again, take the example where
want to process a collection of documents. All documents are included in
SGML/XML document as below:

<document href="c:/mydir/mydoc1.sgm">
<document href="";>

Then, a DSSSL script process this source document and contain a rule to
process the document element as:

(element document
	(sgml-parse (attribute-string "href" (current-node))

then, a thread can be set to process this new grove (as a autonomous
until the current-root and all its children is processed. For each
element we would have a separate grove and this grove processed in a
separate thread. This way, a batch job to processed a collection of
documents could be expressed as a SGML document itself instead of a
dependent batch file.

Peter said:
If you want to process large documents and wanna be able to navigate
arbitrarily ghrough them (which DSSSL requires), then you will need a
of memory... 

Sean whines..
Please consider the following..
1. Each <collection><document> may require a separate catalog.
2. There are performance issues associated with large collections.
<batch temporal='serial' model='SingleProcess'> vs <batch
temporal='parallel' model='MultiProcess'>
For example, should <document href="c:/mydir/mydoc1.sgm"> be able to 
reference elements of <document
then multi-thread/process implementations of sgml-parse will require
shared memory mechanisms as well?
The ' process this new grove..' mentioned above
hits this already hideous constraint with an asynchronous ugly stick!

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