RE: (dsssl) Error using docbook dsssl stylesheets: "X20AC" is not a function name

Subject: RE: (dsssl) Error using docbook dsssl stylesheets: "X20AC" is not a function name
From: Linda van den Brink <lvdbrink@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 16:52:40 +0100
 > jade:dtd/ent/iso-amsa.ent:8:19:E: "X21B6" is not a function name
> This means that jade doesn't know that &#x21B6; is a hex character
> reference.
> Which means (almost certainly) that it hasn't seen the 
> xml.dcl file that
> contains the SGML declaration for XML. (so it won't know about other
> XML features like <foo/>)
> Unfortunately you can't (I think) make XML the default like 
> you can with
> nsgmls as jade needs to read the dsssl sheet as sgml not xml.
> easiest is just to put xml.dcl on the command line as in
> jade -t tex -d mathmlx.dsl  xml.dcl  file.xml

Hi David, 

It took a while before I had time to follow up on this, but I'm still having
a problem. 

jade -t rtf -d toRTF\docbook\print\docbook.dsl xml.dcl plan.xml

Even though I put xml.dcl on the command line as you can see, this command
gives a very long list of errors like
"jade:f:\personal\onderzoek\dtd/ent/iso-lat2.ent:126:17:E: "X017B" is not a
function name"

While this 
nsgmls -sv xml.dcl plan.xml

gives no errors. If I do the same but without the xml.dcl on the command
line, I get the same not-a-function errors. So what's going on?


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