Re: [jats-list] Ambiguity in <uri> definition

Subject: Re: [jats-list] Ambiguity in <uri> definition
From: Debbie Lapeyre <dalapeyre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:43:08 -0400
On Mar 10, 2014, at 4:56 PM, Tony Graham <tgraham@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The definition for <uri> in "Article Authoring Tag Library NISO JATS Draft
> Version 1.1d1" is:
> Identifies a Uniform Resource Identifier (such as a URL)
> that may be used as a live link, typically naming a
> website, such as: <uri></uri>).
> "may be used as a live link", to my mind, implies that the example
> "<uri></uri>" is sufficient to make a 'live
> link' in a styled output, but making it live requires uri/@xlink:href as
> well.

Sorry. That is NOT what we meant, although it may be implied.
What we intended to do is make the distinction between
- <ext-link> (guaranteed to be intended to be a live link) and
- <uri> (which is just something that LOOKS looks like a URL
   or something similar, no linking is implied, but it MAY be 
   made into a link if if you choose)

As you and I discussed offline, the 'mayness' and how to get from 
'may' to 'is'  is never stated explicitly in the element's 
documentation. We had not intended to be talking about the 
attributes at all, but I think I agree that doing so might
clarify this situation. We will try to clarify.

> That <uri> "may or may not be a traversable link" is discussed under
> "Related Elements" without saying what makes a <uri> into a traversable
> link, and none of the three examples show a uri/@xlink:href.

We are in the middle of adding a lot more examples to the
JATS Tag Libraries. Some examples here would be a very
good idea. 

Plea: if anyone has examples of
- an external link using <ext-link> and
- a <uri> as an external link using @xlink:href
it would be greatly appreciated if you can share them
with this list and thus the JATS Standing Committee. 
Just post a snippet (as Bruce Rosenblum
did this week).


--Debbie Lapeyre

Deborah A Lapeyre              mailto:dalapeyre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
17 West Jefferson Street         Phone: 301-315-9631 (USA)
Suite 207                        Fax:   301-315-8385
Rockville, MD 20850
Mulberry Technologies: Consultancy for XML, XSLT, and Schematron

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