[jats-list] Preferred pronouns for authors

Subject: [jats-list] Preferred pronouns for authors
From: "Mark Doyle doyle@xxxxxxx" <jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 19:55:14 -0000
Hi all,

Our editors would like to allow authors to specify preferred pronouns in
their manuscripts. Although the initial goal is to provide this in a
footnote for just the corresponding author, I'd like to tag this in a more
general way that would allow any author to add this to their name. So far
the best option I have been able to work out is to slightly misuse the
<name-alternatives> tagging:

<contrib contrib-type="author">
    <string-name specific-use="preferred-pronouns">they/them</string-name>

Does anyone have a better suggestion for how to handle this?


Mark Doyle
American Physical Society

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