Re: Passing Params to Scripts in XSL

Subject: Re: Passing Params to Scripts in XSL
From: ht@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Henry S. Thompson)
Date: 14 May 1998 14:00:24 +0100
"Nigel Barrett" <nigel@xxxxxxxx> writes:

> I want to be able to apply the XSL to only one SECTION of the XML. Which =
> section is decided at runtime so I cannot simply use the attribute =
> element.
> So far I have decided I can do one of the following
> =20
> [1] Pass Parameters to some script in the XSL
> [2] Include some script that I write at runtime.
> =20
> --------
> =20
> [1] I'm not sure. I cannot find any documentation or examples of how to =
> pass params to some script in the XSL.
> [2] Is not possible without preprocessing the XSL as MSXSL does not =
> support includes
> My preference would be [1], however, as I have said I cannot find any =
> docs on how to go about this. If I can pass params to the XSL at runtime =
> it gives me far more flexibility.
> =20
> Any help would be appreciated.

Depends on what XSL engine you are using.  With full XML support,
e.g. from XSLJ+JADE, you can define an entity which determines what
you will select, and include the appropriate definition via a modest
amount of command-line wizardry . . .

  Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
     2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
	    Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail: ht@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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