Re: MSXML and Encoding

Subject: Re: MSXML and Encoding
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 14:03:11 +0100 (BST)
> European Characters don't seem to work for UTF-8 (at least for the
> MSXML parser).
> I had a look at the W3C doc and tried the UTF-16 a

utf-8 and utf-16 are two different encodings of the same character set
(Unicode ISO-whatever) so they have the same set of characters.

When you say they didn't work, what did you do? Are you sure that
you entered them in utf-8 (as opposed to say, latin-1). If you go to
utf-16 note the encodings of _all_ your characters change, including
the ascii characters used for English. (They have the same character
code, but expressed as 16 bits, so you would have a zero byte every
other byte).


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