Function from-ancestors and parent element name.

Subject: Function from-ancestors and parent element name.
From: Stephane St-Denis <Stephane.St-Denis@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 11:41:22 -0400
Hi everybody!

I would like to know if it is possible to pass in parameter for the
function from-ancestors
a reference of a element.

This is my example :

 <xsl:for-each select=".//name">
   <xsl:attribute name="style">

    '********* I would like to have a count of the
    ' ******** parent of the name element *****
    <xsl:value-of select="count(from-ancestors(parent(.)))"/>

I have a error pattern match when i use this statement :
I have no choice to use in parameter "parent(.)" because i don't know
what is the name
of the parent element.

I would like to now if this statement is supported.  If not, I replace
this by what???

Thanks !!!

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