Re: document() for non-XML documents

Subject: Re: document() for non-XML documents
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 17:00:15 +0100 (BST)
> Until then, it sounds like you don't really need the included file to be
> treated as a source tree. Why don't you just declare an external entity:
> <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ 
>     <!ENTITY sometext SYSTEM "compositions.txt">\
>     <!ENTITY nbsp "&#xA0;">
> ]>
> ...
> <foo>Here's that file: &sometext;</foo>

This doesn't work if the text file contains something that could be
mistook for XML markup, in particular < or &. You have to preprocess
your file into XML eg to convert < to &lt; with sed, or perl etc.


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