RE: Keys across multilple input files

Subject: RE: Keys across multilple input files
From: "Sebastian Rahtz" <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 14:51:23 +0100 (BST)
Kay Michael writes:
 > >
 > That's correct. What I was trying to say is that you can't use key() to find
 > nodes unless you know what document they are in. 

I have not followed this through in a test, but could one not 

 - build the separate key tables for each document
 - use Muenchian techniques to get back a list of them for each
 - stash all those lists in a new tree in a variable
 - convert that tree to a nodeset
 - fool around in that nodeset, where all the keys are known, to find 
   out which document a key comes from 

its starting to get a bit desparate, I know, but I can imagine some
fun exploring these byways


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