Re: server settings.

Subject: Re: server settings.
From: Dan <dman@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:28:46 +1200
Peter Bates wrote:
> I have an asp file which opens an xml file and an xsl stylesheet, and
> outputs in wml. this all works on one server, but when tried on another
> server (same files), the parsed content is not output. Do you know why
> thismight be, ie what server settings I need to use. No error messages are
> produced so the asp is working. It is something (I assume) to do with
> either the xml or xsl.

Or the version of MSXML that's installed there.
Or the version of scripting engine that's installed there.
Or some difference in the paths, as I assume some filesystem differences
between server A & B.
Or you don't even have execute rights set on the asp pages yet. A
code-only page would return a blank page if asp scripting wasn't turned

Although you don't give much to go on.

On a server it works, on another it doesn't. That's a little vague, no?

Give some specs, and explain the debugging you've done so far, and I
might have a clue.


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