Re: case insensitive comparison

Subject: Re: case insensitive comparison
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 13:01:44 GMT
>   Currently, have this:

>	   <xsl:when test= ".[@internal = //bookmark/@name]">

as discussed a few days ago on this list, you can't use [] after .
that should be

	   <xsl:when test= "self::node()[@internal = //bookmark/@name]">

> I'd like to make this case insensitive.   Thanks.  ekt

If you are writing in English,

<xsl:variable name="u" select="'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'"/>
<xsl:variable name="l" select="'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'"/>

<xsl:when test= "self::node()
             [translate(@internal,$u,$l) = 


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