fo: page breaks in tables, running totals

Subject: fo: page breaks in tables, running totals
From: Harald.Weyhing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Harald Weyhing)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 18:07:43 +0200
hi all,

i need to create complex tables that span several pages and have the following features:

first page:
- a footer row contains the sums of column values for that page

following page(s):
- a footer row contains the sums of column values for that page
- a header row contains the footer row of the previous page

last page:
- only the header row is generated

i thougth about an approach to solve this problem with the xsl-fo but i am not sure if this
will work.

the plan:

1. to create the table i would add a marked (fo:marker) mini-table to every row that consits of one line of the sums
of values so far. this min-table should not be seen in the output so i thought about putting it in a block with zero
or almost zero size.

2. the marked object in the first and last line of the table would consist of a table that should not create an area
when it gets retrieved (fo:retrieve-marker) later - perhaps making the mini-table zero size.

3. table headers will be put in xsl-before-float-separator, table footer in xsl-footnote-separator using
retrieve-marker within a static content. the areas created should grow with the size of the header or be zero size
if  nothing (or something with zero size) was retrieved (see no 2.)

4. table footers will be the retrieved mini-table of the last marker on this page. footers will be empty if the table
ends within the actual page, because the last marker in the table was zero.
the areas created should grow with the size of the header or be zero size if  nothing (or something with zero size)
was retrieved (see no 2.)

5. table headers will be the the retrieved mini-table of the last marker on the previous page. headers will be empty
if we are on the first page because there is no such marker on the previous page that can be retrieved.

what do you think? is this a reasonable approach?

thanks a lot for your time and thinking

harald weyhing

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