RE: XSL vs. XSLT and processors vs. parsers

Subject: RE: XSL vs. XSLT and processors vs. parsers
From: Matthew Bentley <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 10:54:35 +1000
> I have recently become confused between the difference of 
> XSLT and actual 
> XSL.  I also have not been able to ratianalize the difference 
> between a 
> parser and a processor... does anyone know of a page or source of 
> information to shed light on this?  I realize that it is 
> rather elementary 
> but I have been unable to identify any sources of information 
> that are 
> understandable.

XSL:fo = XSL
XSLT + XSL:fo = All XSL!
parser establishes xml validity, processor runs XSLT code over XML!
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