RE: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse docume nt o rder.

Subject: RE: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse docume nt o rder.
From: Dylan Walsh <Dylan.Walsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:42:44 +0100
Thank you. Your suggestion works with the XSL processor I'm using.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	David_Marston@xxxxxxxxx [SMTP:David_Marston@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Wednesday, September 27, 2000 4:46 PM
> To:	xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:	Re: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse
> document o rder.
> Dylan Walsh asks about
> <xsl:sort select="position()" data-type="number"
> order="descending"/>
> to process the selected elements in reverse order.
> As a quick fix, try this:
> <xsl:sort select="count(following-sibling::*)"
> data-type="number"/>
> Note that ascending is the correct order, since the
> first sibling has the most followers. Adapt this as
> necessary.
> .................David Marston
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