Passing parameters to xsl from jsp

Subject: Passing parameters to xsl from jsp
From: "Priya Pinto" <itfresher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 30 Sep 2000 06:37:54 -0000
I'm using an XML file as database and I need to be able to search for a particular text node in it based on the users search input.

Ideas to proceed
1) When the user enters the search phrase and clicks on search, call a jsp which takes the input and then calls the respective file with another xsl (how do I do this? do I parse the file and rewrite it with a diff xsl?)where the value is passed as a parameter and it displays only that set of nodes.

2)When the user enters the search phrase and clicks on search, I use a jsp file to accept the  parameter and then call the xml file parse it and extract the nodes required and display it on the screen.

Do tell me which is a better option and how to go about it?

Or if there is any better way to go about this?

I'm working on a Linux platform, with Apache, Tomcat, JSP, XML.



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