RE: [xsl] Using xsl to test value of node

Subject: RE: [xsl] Using xsl to test value of node
From: "Chris Bayes" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 17:02:19 -0000
> > But you still need <xsl:if test="normalize-space()=44639">
> no .=44639 does a numeric test so white space doesn't matter.

True but I think his intention if I can understand this gobbledegook
<xsl:if test() ="44639"/> 
was to do a string compare. I just dropped the '' in the cut'n'paste
(the fact that it wasn't in the second mail I posted is irrelevant:-)
and as there was no xsi:type="xs:integer" in the source I don't think it
is fair to assume that a CHARACTER_ID is a numeric ;-)

Ciao Chris

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