RE: [xsl] read/write in the same xml file

Subject: RE: [xsl] read/write in the same xml file
From: Jarno.Elovirta@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 14:30:16 +0300

> this is an example for what i want to do:
> i supose this is my xml file:
> <document>
> <para>
> <word>aaa</word>
> <word>bbb</word>
> <word>ccc</word>
> <word>ddd</word>
> <word>eee</word>
> </para>
> <para>
> <word>kkk</word>
> <word>fff</word>
> <word>mmm</word>
> <word>ppp</word>
> </para>
> </document>
> my output file should have this structure:
> table of contents:
> paragraph1  12    32
> paragraph2  44  59
> paragraph1
> aaa
> bbb
> ccc
> ddd
> eee
> paragraph2
> kkk
> fff
> mmm
> ppp
> so  the first paragraph begin in character 12 and finish in 
> character 32
> in the output file.

  <xsl:output method="text"/>
  <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
  <xsl:template match="document">
    <xsl:text>table of contents:&#xA;</xsl:text>
    <xsl:call-template name="counter" />
    <xsl:for-each select="para">
      <xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
      <xsl:for-each select="word">
        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
  <xsl:template name="counter">
    <xsl:param name="offset" select="0"/>
    <xsl:param name="node" select="para[1]" />
    <xsl:param name="count" select="1"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$count"/>
    <xsl:text>  </xsl:text>
    <xsl:variable name="start" select="$offset + 11 + string-length(string($count))"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$start"/>
    <xsl:text>  </xsl:text>
    <xsl:if test="$count = 1">
      <xsl:text>  </xsl:text>
    <xsl:variable name="end" select="$start + count($node/word) + boolean($node/following-sibling::para) - 1 + string-length($node)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$end"/>
    <xsl:if test="$node/following-sibling::para">
      <xsl:call-template name="counter">
        <xsl:with-param name="offset" select="$end"/>
        <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$node/following-sibling::para[1]"/>
        <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count + 1"/>

Feels really silly to write stylesheets like this...


Jarno - Conjure One: Tears From The Moon

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