[xsl] precompiled XSL Stylesheets

Subject: [xsl] precompiled XSL Stylesheets
From: "Daniel Brauer" <daniel.brauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 10:42:48 +0100

I've read something about precomiled stylesheets.
As I'd like to hide the code in the stylesheets I've written I'm wondering
if precompiled stylesheets might be a way to achieve this.

I'm working with Saxon 6.5.2 .
Can anyone tell me how to precompile my stylesheets, any limitations
involved and how to call them using Saxon?


* Daniel Brauer                                                       *
*                                     Ingenieurbuero Michael Grabietz *
* Phone:  ++49 (9341) 89 66 73        Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik      *
* Fax:    ++49 (9341) 89 66 71        Stauferring 56                  *
* e-mail:                             D-97941 Tauberbischofsheim      *
* daniel.brauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx         Germany                         *

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