[xsl] Re: n-nodes recursive tree

Subject: [xsl] Re: n-nodes recursive tree
From: Paul DuBois <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 11:40:59 -0600
At 17:05 +0100 11/28/03, Dimitre Novatchev wrote:
 > In effect, i will never know the max number of levels in tree node, and so
i'd like to obtain an html file formated with xsl and wich looks like that:

Tree ---- 1 ---- 4 ---- 5 ---- 7 ---- 2 ---- 6 ---- 3

So what is this supposed to mean? The number of dashes doesn't seem to be related to the depth of the corresponding node -- e.g. both 5 and 7 have four dashes, but the node with <id>7</id> is a child of the node with <id>5</id>

You cannot expect to get any meaningful help by only providing a (puzzling)
picture of what you think you want to get as result. This picture can be
produced in many ways that are not at all related and dependent on the
source xml document.

I agree a better specification would be helpful, but it looked to me like nothing more than a problem of indenting according to the depth of nesting of <node> elements (that is, indenting according to count(ancestor::node) or somesuch).

Jerónimo, you might want to clarify.


Dimitre Novatchev.
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