AW: [xsl] tomcat web server and dynamic XSL

Subject: AW: [xsl] tomcat web server and dynamic XSL
From: Nikolas.Nehmer@xxxxxxxxxxx (Nikolas Nehmer)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 15:29:47 +0200
Definitly the include structure is ok and the paths are ok too. When I
remove all those includes it doesn't work eather. So the problem has to
be somewhere else ;-(

|Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) wrote:
|> Ok, I guess I shouldn't be in preprogrammed-to-view-source-only mode.
|> We start at
|> which xsl:includes
|> is not available according to tomcat...
|Ok it is available now, but itself includes.. which includes oh my, i'm
|not going to check each and everyone of these! Includes everywhere!
|Seriously now, if it works on the filesystem then you have a path issue
|somewhere, but that include > include tree is really dsifficult to
|for such problems...
|Manos Batsis
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