RE: [xsl] randomizing data

Subject: RE: [xsl] randomizing data
From: "Passin, Tom" <tpassin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 16:05:25 -0400
From: SnHndrc@xxxxxxx [mailto:SnHndrc@xxxxxxx]
> Is it possible to grab sections of an xml document <chapter1><title></title><para></para></chapter1> and randomize it with xslt? 

> Chapter 10 would be first, then 8 then another chapter in random order.

Yes, you could do that.  I have a hack in the forthcoming OReilly book "XML Hacks" that shows a simple way to randomize with xslt.  Basically, insert a string of random numbers into a node in the style sheet and index into it to get the random numbers.  Or you could pass in a different random string as a global parameter each time you run the stylesheet.


Tom P

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