Copyright symbol in MSXML

Subject: Copyright symbol in MSXML
From: "Watt, Daniel" <dwatt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 11:39:50 -0500
I am working in a ColdFusion 5 environment, using MSXML to load and process
an XML document and XSLT document. Previously we were using the XSLT working
draft, which Microsoft had a very bad implementation of. We are in the
process of converting our documents to proper XSLT format. In the process of
doing so, the copyright symbol at the bottom of the page has started to act
up. In the XSLT file, I have "&#xA9;", and have tried other variants
(including just the copyright symbol, the non-hex code, and &copy;). Some
cause the document to not be parsed, some come out the same.

The problem is that IE 6 renders the copyright symbol as a question mark.
Looking at the code, the copyright symbol is actually there. The page
displays as it should in Netscape (4 through 7), but not in IE6. The web
server an environment (MSXML3) is identical for the old draft XSL, and for
the 1.0 spec XSLT.

Has anyone run across this problem before, and/or know how to fix it?

Daniel Watt

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