testing for last node of antecesor

Subject: testing for last node of antecesor
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 17:49:12 +0200
Hello, I have a XML like this:


The problem is than when I evaluate node //detalle/pie/campoPie/nombre,
in any of its recursive levels, I want to test if that 'detalle' node (
that is always antecesor of 'nombre' ) is the last in his level.

In other words, this is the structure of a report, I want to introduce a
page break when I find 'break' value in 'nombre' node, but omits this
break in the last node.
I think I have test:

<xsl:if test="ancestor::detalle [position() != last()]"> 

but it always evaluate to true.

any ideas?

Thank you 

Sergio Roldan Castillo

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