Re: [xsl] Learning Tool for XPath?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Learning Tool for XPath?
From: Joern Clausen <joern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:56:00 +0200

> What other packages does it need please?
> >java -cp \myjava\XPathTool.jar;\xercesImpl.jar ShowXPath.Main
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/xml/sax/misc/LexicalHandler

David, Peter, you are talking about two different tools. "XPath Tester",
(by Fivesight) the program I mentioned and Peter is referring to is
indeed standalone (by including Saxon).

David, you have tried "XPath Visualizer" (by Logilab). The documentation
for this tool seems to be outdated (both programs are from around
2001). I think you just need to include more jars from Xerces...

Concerning the annoyances of XPath Tester: The XML file and the DTD have
to be in the same directory. And no matter what your CWD is, the
filerequester on "Open File" always starts in your home directory.
Passing the XML file as command line parameter does not work. The
sources are in included, I can't imagine that this is so hard to fix...

If I recall right, one reason for choosing "Tester" over "Visualizer"
was the way you could select the context node (which is a nice feature
in a teaching situation).

 Joern Clausen                                joern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Faculty of Technology           http://www.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE/~joern/
 University of Bielefeld, Germany                        +49 (0)521/106-2494

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