[xsl] Trouble getting a node froma a document()

Subject: [xsl] Trouble getting a node froma a document()
From: xptm <xptm@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 19:52:45 +0100
Hi again:

I have this XML in a file

           <Indices Numero="1">
                   <Campos Numero="1">
           <Indices Numero="1">
                   <Campos Numero="1">

wich i'm acessing via document() function. What i want is to get the Visivel tag value. So i'm doing

<xsl:value-of select="document(concat('Z:\DicionarioXml\',$MasterTable,'.xml'))/Estrutura/Tabelas/Tabela[Nome=$MasterTable]/Indices/Indice/Campos/Campo[Nome=@Nome]/Visivel"/>

from a node in the original xml file where i have a Nome attribute

<Campo Nome="ProcessoTipoGrupo">

and where $MasterTable = "ProcessoTipoGrupo".

So i expected the value 1, but i don't get any value.

If i omit the [Nome=@Nome] i get the value '1'. But i can have several <Campo> nodes...

If i only omit the /Visible i get nothing.

If i omit [Nome=@Nome]/Visivel i get 'ProcessoTipoGrupo01', wich is what i expected.

So it seems the problem is with @Nome? I also tryed to put that in a variable and use it, but the effect is the same.

Help, anyone? I can send the full example, but it's quite large...

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