Re: [xsl] FO: Forcing a page break/new page

Subject: Re: [xsl] FO: Forcing a page break/new page
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 14:29:11 -0400
At 2004-08-23 12:28 +0200, Ralph Holz wrote:
Is there a way to force a page break within an fo:flow/fo:block?

Answering myself, just found the break-after property.

Now just wondering if that is good style in this context?

Good style with respect to what context?

If you have changing static content for the pages after the page break, you are obliged to start a new page sequence, so break-after= would not only be bad style but not give you what you want (unless you did some histrionics with retrieved markers).

If you have the same static content for the pages after the page break, you would be obliged to repeat it in a new page sequence if you didn't use break-after= so that would be wasteful.

If it is giving you what you want and not causing extra work, I don't see it as being "bad form" or necessarily "good style", but if you clarify the nature of your question that might solicit some comment.

I hope this helps.

........................... Ken

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G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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