RE: [xsl] collapsing number ranges

Subject: RE: [xsl] collapsing number ranges
From: J-P S <jps@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:46:43 +0100 (BST)
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Michael Kay wrote:

) > 23-24 => 23-4
) > 333-334 => 333-34
) > 7777-7778 => 7777-78
) You just have to work through the second string outputting each digit
) only if the substring up to and including that digit differs from the
) leading substring of the same length in the other number - which can
) probably be done in 1.0 as easily as in 2.0.

Don't you need extensions to loop in such a way, to keep track of and
update the position of your cursor? Using saxon:assign and saxon:while :

  <xsl:variable name="digits" select="0" saxon:assignable="yes"/>

  <saxon:while test="substring($start,1,$digits) =
    <saxon:assign name="digits" select="$digits+1"/>

  <xsl:value-of select="concat($start,'-',

I can't see immediately how you'd do this with just xsl: elements.

The orgone gun is a distractor.  Eavis keeps rain off by being one of the
Elect.  You can identify the Elect because their heads are on upside-down.

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