Re: [xsl] XSLT Doctype and XHTML output

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLT Doctype and XHTML output
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 23:17:35 +0100
> I don't know where to add:  ""; to the
> above.


> However, lets say I'm interested in XHTML results so I add the following
> namespace decleration to the stylesheet:

That would be inconsistent with your specified output dtd which was for
HTML4 which doesn't use a namespace (not being XML) Not that XSLT
checks this consistency.

> The encoding I specified in the xsl:output gets lost is this normal?

It is conformant behaviour to ignore xsl:output (it is essentially just
a hint to teh serialiser) but whether or not it is normal in your case
you'd need to be more explict about how you are calling xslt I think.

> This is illegal?  (Doctype decleration in top-level node match)
Yes XSLT has to be well formed XML and you can't have <!DOCTYPE inside
an element

> (again, this is the doctype form I am trying to achieve)
so you want to use xsl:output as noted above and you don't want to use
the xhtml namespace declaration.


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