[xsl] compute an xpath expression that match a resulted node

Subject: [xsl] compute an xpath expression that match a resulted node
From: "Majirus FANSI" <jmfansi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 19:21:17 +0200
Hi all,
I have an result fragment named nodeset.
using xslt, Is it possible to determine an xpath expression that match this fragment from a source document.
for example:
$nodeset= <book id="ISBN= 0-7645-6909-0">
<title>XSLT programmer's reference 3e </title>
<author>Michael Kay</author>

an xpath expression is: /descendant-orself::book[@ISBN='0-7645-6909-0'].

I have the fragment from a variable ($nodeset).
I used xalan 2.1.4 as xslt processor.

all suggestions are welcome.
I thank all of you in advance.


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