Re: [xsl] compute an xpath expression that match a resulted node

Subject: Re: [xsl] compute an xpath expression that match a resulted node
From: "Majirus FANSI" <jmfansi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 14:08:02 +0200
Dear wendell,
I thank you very much for yours suggestions.
I think that in my case, //*[.=$nodeset] should work provided that the '=' operator allow also comparison between nodes sets.

To illustrate the problem, what would you want back if

$nodeset = <author>Michael Kay</author>

and your input data had

<book ISBN= "0-7645-6909-0">
   <title>XSLT programmer's reference 3e </title>
   <author>Michael Kay</author>
<book ISBN= "0-7645-6909-1">
   <title>XSLT programmer's Guide to British Beers and Ales</title>
   <author>Michael Kay</author>

what would you want as an XPath expression?

i would want //*[set:has-same-node(., $nodeset)], where has-same-node() is function extension difined by



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