[xsl] integrating xslt and xquery

Subject: [xsl] integrating xslt and xquery
From: Bruce D'Arcus <bdarcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 12:21:52 -0400
I'd like to include an xquery script with my stylesheet archive to do the following:

1) take my source document, extract all of the citations from it
2) use that list of citations to create a bibliography collection, where the bibliographic records are in their own directory, with filenames that are the same as the IDs, plus an extension.

So, citation is:

<citation><biblioref linkend="doe99"/></citation>

The record it points to is thus "bib-data/doe99.xml".

3) Insert that bibliography into the document, and then run my stylesheets on it, with a citation-style parameter entered by the user on the commandline.

Below is where I'm at. I'm stuck on

1) how to define the article path to be a variable entered by the user
2) how to define where to grab the mods data (bib-data/{$citation}.xml doesn't work, nor does bib-data/*)
3) how to run the stylesheets (with parameter) on the returned article


xquery version "1.0";

declare default element namespace "http://docbook.org/docbook-ng";;
declare namespace mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3";;
declare namespace xbiblio="http://xbiblio.sourceforge.net";;

declare function xbiblio:resolve-references($article as element())
as element()* {
  (: extract citation linkend values from the docbook-ng file :)
    for $citation in distinct-values($article//biblioref/@linkend)
  (: find the corresponding mods record :)
  let $mods := doc("bib-data/*")//mods:mods[@ID = $citation]
      if(empty($mods)) then
        (: not found: stop processing :)
        error(concat("No record found for reference ", $citation))

let $article := doc("test.xml")/article

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