[xsl] Child nodes with same name

Subject: [xsl] Child nodes with same name
From: "Jacqui Moore" <jacquimoore1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:10:16 -0000

I have an xml file - shortened version of it is:

<Item Id="160" ConceptId="160" Category="true">
<Item Id="161" ConceptId="161" Category="true">
  <BroaderItem Id="891" ConceptId="891" Default="false">General support
  <BroaderItem Id="160" ConceptId="160" Default="true">Deaths</BroaderItem>
<Item Id="161" ConceptId="161" Category="true">
  <BroaderItem Id="160" ConceptId="160" Default="true">Deaths</BroaderItem>

With this pattern, I need to match any BroaderItem childnodes that match the

Expression = "Deaths"
selectPattern = "ControlledList/Item[BroaderItem='" & expression &"' &&
SET oChildren = objXML.selectNodes(selectPattern)

The problem is that unless the BroaderItem childnode that I am looking for
is the first BroaderItem childnode, it does not return it. So if I am
searching for all nodes that has the childnode BroaderItem matching
'Deaths', then this pattern only brings back Burials and not Bereavement as
it should. Any ideas?


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