Re: [xsl] More-than-basic maths

Subject: Re: [xsl] More-than-basic maths
From: "andrew cooke" <acooke@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:08:56 -0400 (CLT)
brilliant - works perfectly.  thanks.

(a possible suggestion: for newbies like me, it would be nice to have a
very very basic example right on the front page of the site, which gives
the "import" element and a simple call to "sin" (for example).  now that i
see how to do it, it is so simple it seems obvious, but at first i was
confused how to call a "library" from xsl).

thanks again,

Dimitre Novatchev said:
> On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 22:50:16 -0400 (CLT), andrew cooke <acooke@xxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can't work out how to do more complex maths (like logarithms, trig
>> functions, etc) in XSL.  Is it possible?  If not, is there any other
>> tool
>> I can use in an xml pipeline?  Is the only option writing SAX or DOM
>> code
>> in some non-dedicated programming language?
>> (I'm generating plots from XML data via XSL to SVG)
> FXSL (a function/template library implementing HOF in XSLT and written
> in pure XSLT)  implements:
> Math functions:
> Random number generators:
> Higher-order functions, currying/partial application, etc...:
> A good example of the math capabilities of FXSL for XSLT 2.0 was
> recently provided at:
> Cheers,
> Dimitre Novatchev

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