[xsl] commenting in xslt

Subject: [xsl] commenting in xslt
From: Bryan Rasmussen <bry@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 09:40:29 +0200
I just had an idea about how to write useful comments in XSLT (which I very
seldomly see), it struck me that what one needs to see in a complex transform is
a comment that explains the expected input and the expected output, the reason
being that the input is in a format that the developer working with the xslt
might not know, or even if they have developed the stylesheet themselves might
not remember the expected input, so:

<xsl:template match="x:*[starts-with(@type,'payment')][1]">

if input = <x:restrictive type="paymentdue" amount="$500"/>
 the output will be 
<div class="paymentdue" onclick="calculator(paymentdue,500)">
paymentdue for $500

the various types of class expected are paymentdue, paymentmade, paymentpast

<div class="{@type}"
<xsl:value-of select="concat(@type,' for ',@amount)"/>

yes I know this is not a particular good way to structure ones output, it's a
spur of the moment example. Obviously the comment could be done as an xml
fragment, so
<x:restrictive type="paymentdue" amount="$500"/>
<div class="paymentdue" onclick="calculator(paymentdue,500)">
paymentdue for $500

the various types of class expected are paymentdue, paymentmade, paymentpast

I haven't defined any namespaces for the examples. 
Bryan Rasmussen

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