[no subject]

Jeni's site:

whose link leads to:

A good discussion, focused on the Delta-XML product:

Most of the prior discussions, are about(IMHO, AFAICT) how to use document()
and so forth; inserting a table from an XML file into an XHTML document, or
to transform a part of a document() opened file into the source, for example.

What I am looking for is to merge two XML files with no knowledge about the
formats in question. For example, for the following two files:


	<foo href="content" />

Would the result be:
	<foo href="content" />

Some of the approaches wouldn't be obvious, but conventional. For example how
to do with identical attributes would perhaps be defined as depending on what
file that is merged into which one(or vice versa), and interpreting identical
elements as that they should be added next to each other(as opposed to one
replacing) is also arbitrary.

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