Re: [xsl] Converting Child to Sibling

Subject: Re: [xsl] Converting Child to Sibling
From: omprakash.v@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 13:11:34 +0530
      Here's a XSLT2.0 solution (Not tested).

<xsl:template match="p">

<xsl:for-each-group select="node() group-adjacent="self::enn">

<xsl:when test="current-grouping-key()">
<xsl:copy-of select="current-group()">
<xsl:copy-of select="current-group()">

p.s: This solution was taken from the archive


                      .net                     To:      xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                         
                                               cc:      (bcc: omprakash.v/Polaris)                                              
                      06/25/2005 12:16         Subject: [xsl] Converting Child to Sibling                                       
                      Please respond                                                                                            
                      to xsl-list                                                                                               

Dear All,

I am converting one XML to another form of XML by using XSLT, in my source
XML, I have bennb element, which is the child of bparab element. I require
in my resulting XML bennb element should be sibling of bparab then how the
XSLT should look.

Source XML

<para>Normal <i>italic</i> text, normal <b>bold</b> text, normal
<s>sarif</s> text</para>
<para>Normal <i>italic</i> text, <enn>normal <b>bold</b> text</enn>, normal
<s>sarif</s> text</para>
<para>Normal <i>italic</i> text, normal <b>bold</b> text, normal
<s>sarif</s> text</para>

Resulting XML
<para>Normal <i>italic</i> text, normal <b>bold</b> text, normal
<s>sarif</s> text</para>
<para>Normal <i>italic</i> text, </para><enn>normal <b>bold</b>
text</enn><para>, normal <s>sarif</s> text</para>
<para>Normal <i>italic</i> text, normal <b>bold</b> text, normal
<s>sarif</s> text</para>

Please advice

Many thanks in advance
Arul Kumar

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