Re: [xsl] Isolate spezial text term with pattern

Subject: Re: [xsl] Isolate spezial text term with pattern
From: "Tammo Wenterodt" <Tammo.Wenterodt@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 21:02:32 +0200
sed is short for stream editor, google will find 37100 entries for

one page I found nice is



can you provide more information about "sed" ?

Thank you.

Greets Oliver

I think for this kind of conversion "sed" is better suited than xslt. With the following commands you can change your whole document once and for all:

sed -e "s|</comment>|</pb>|g" document.xml > temp.xml
sed -e "s|PB|</comment><pb>|g" temp.xml >

The output will be:

     <comment>Hallo commentar. </comment><pb>123</pb>
     <comment>Hallo commentar. </comment><pb>456</pb>

Tammo Wenterodt


i have the following XML document (not complete):

     <comment>Hallo commentar. PB123</comment>
     <comment>Hallo commentar. PB456</comment>

What i now what to do is the following: I will islote the terms "PB123" and
"PB456" and so on in the hole document. Therefore i need a spezial pattern i
think. The pattern is always the same: "PB" and then 3 or 4 numbers. I will
write this terms in an extra column in a HTML table.

How i get the text from <comment>...</comment> is clear for me. Thats no

I hope you know what i need. :)

Thank you for your support.

Greets Oliver

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