RE: [xsl] special characters decimal code display

Subject: RE: [xsl] special characters decimal code display
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 09:12:20 -0000
Preferably, redesign your input. When a "<" represents markup, it's best not
to pretend it doesn't, which is what you are doing by escaping it as &#60;.

If you can't do that, you might be able to dig yourself out of the hole
using disable-output-escaping.

Michael Kay

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mingqiang Yu [mailto:myu@xxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: 18 November 2005 05:09
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [xsl] special characters decimal code display
> Hi,
> This is part of my xml file. As you can see that, all the special
> characters are encoded using their decimal codes. But when I 
> output them
> in the stylesheet using <xsl:value-of select="."/>, all 
> special characters
> are converted to their entity format. For example, &#60; is 
> converted to
> &lt;, &#62 is converted to &gt;, etc. But what I need is to convert
> "&#60;sup&#62;&#38;plusmn&#59;&#60;&#47;sup&#62;" to 
> "<sup>&plusmn;</sup>"
> so the stylesheet can display them correctly. Can anyone help on this
> issue? Many thanks. -Ming
> ********************************************
> <title item='1'
> db='sny'>On&#32;the&#32;direct&#32;decays&#32;K&#60;sup&#62;&#
> 38;plusmn&#59;&#60;&#47;sup
> &#62;&#38;rarr&#59;&#38;pi&#59;&#60;sup&#62;&#38;plusmn&#59;&#
> 60;&#47;sup&#62;&#43;&#38;gamma&#59;&#43;&#
> 38;gamma&#59;&#44;&#32;K&#60;sup&#62;&#38;plusmn&#59;&#60;&#47
> ;sup&#62;&#38;rarr&#59;&#38;pi&#59;&#60;sup
> &#62;&#38;plusmn&#59;&#60;&#47;sup&#62;&#43;&#38;gamma&#59;&#4
> 3;e&#60;sup&#62;&#43;&#60;&#47;sup&#62;&#43
> ;e&#60;sup&#62;&#45;&#60;&#47;sup&#62;&#32;and&#32;K&#60;sup&#
> 62;&#38;plusmn&#59;&#60;&#47;sup&#62;&#38;r
> arr&#59;&#38;pi&#59;&#60;sup&#62;&#38;plusmn&#59;&#60;&#47;sup
> &#62;&#43;e&#60;sup&#62;&#43;&#60;&#47;sup&
> #62;&#43;e&#60;sup&#62;&#45;&#60;&#47;sup&#62;</title>

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