Re: [xsl] Passing attributes in a node-set

Subject: Re: [xsl] Passing attributes in a node-set
From: Frank Klasens <fklasens@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 11:46:41 +0100
> you make $value into a result tree fragment (not a node set) which
> corresponds to a node set with a root node with single child an element
> with name root which has no content but a single attribute avalue, with
> value equal to the last avalue attribute found in the input tree.

I suspected something like that but...

> You want to make $value be the string value of teh attribute you find ,
> something like
>   <xsl:with-param name="value" select="string((//element/@avalue)[1])"/>
> which uses the first value, but I can not tell from your description
> which element you intend this parameter to use.

...I want to have all values, and create elements with increasing
numbers in their name and those values, just like I did with the
values from the xpath that selected the elements. See the output.xml

> David

Thanks for the answer, I'll focus on passing those attribute(values).


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