Re: [xsl] A new Sudoku xslt implementation (Was: Re: [xsl] Sudoku - A solution in XSLT 2)

Subject: Re: [xsl] A new Sudoku xslt implementation (Was: Re: [xsl] Sudoku - A solution in XSLT 2)
From: "Dimitre Novatchev" <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 21:29:27 +1100
Hi Andrew,

> Hi Dimitre,
> I have made a couple of improvements to the version you used there - I
> found if you tackle the center cells first, followed by the top-middle
> group the time can be greatly reduced.
> I've also improved the test boards to be genuinely hard (taken from
> the newspaper :)
> Use this function instead of the old one to get a better result:

That's good news!

I tested your new stylesheet on the following "fiendish" board, and it
performs almost 5 times better than the previous one:


The results:

  AW1                                AW2

113016    14.8MB        24407    35MB

My results on this board are:

   6688    10MB

The fiendish board can be found here:

It's great you've started a blog!  Can you publish there some of the
most interesting and hardest board configuarations you're dealing


> <xsl:function name="fn:solveSudoku" as="xs:integer+">
>  <xsl:param name="startBoard" as="xs:integer+"/>
>  <!-- First process the center cells, then the top, then the rest of the
>      This should give better performance than starting top-left and
> working from there. -->
>  <xsl:variable name="theRest" select="for $x in 1 to 81 return
> $x[not($x = $center)][not($x = $topGroup)]" as="xs:integer+"/>
>  <xsl:variable name="emptyCells" select="for $x in ($center,
> $topGroup, $theRest) return if ($startBoard[$x] = 0) then $x else ()"
> as="xs:integer*"/>
>  <xsl:variable name="endBoard" select="fn:populateValues($startBoard,
> $emptyCells)" as="xs:integer*"/>
>  <xsl:choose>
>  <xsl:when test="empty($endBoard)">
>   <xsl:message>! Invalid board - The starting board is not
> correct</xsl:message>
>   <xsl:sequence select="$startBoard"/>
>  </xsl:when>
>  <xsl:otherwise>
>   <xsl:sequence select="$endBoard"/>
>  </xsl:otherwise>
>  </xsl:choose>
> </xsl:function>
> The entire stylesheet can be found at the blog I've started (yesterday):
> cheers
> andrew

Dimitre Novatchev
A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for
other people.

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