Re: [xsl] A new Sudoku xslt implementation (Was: Re: [xsl] Sudoku - A solution in XSLT 2)

Subject: Re: [xsl] A new Sudoku xslt implementation (Was: Re: [xsl] Sudoku - A solution in XSLT 2)
From: "Dimitre Novatchev" <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 12:30:04 +1100
To be more precise, here are the results I get for the fiendish sudoku
board on my desktop and on my laptop:

AW3:   11125   56MB

DN:      11359   17.5MB

AW3:   9953     56MB

DN:      6484     10MB

Andrew, what is the version of Saxon you're using and what are the
make, speed and RAM of your computer?

I guess that by now Tommie's got uncomfortable about the relevance of
this thread -- let's therefore move it off-list.

I am glad that due to this thread Andrew was able to improve the speed
of his Sudoku implementation 10 times.

Dimitre Novatchev
A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for
other people.

On 3/12/06, Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> > Hi Demitre,
> >
> > I ran the fiendish board with both stylesheets and have different
> > results to you!
> It's no surprise. My implementation runs almost twice as fast on my
> 2.13GHz Pentium M laptop than it does on my 3GHz Pentium IV desktop --
> I guess this is due to the larger cache of the laptop.
> What I noticed, though, was that your implementation did not gain any
> speed from the desktop to the laptop -- something I can't explain.
> I am also running Saxon (8.7) with the -3 option.
> Are you using Saxon 8.7 or an earlier version?
> To summarize, the results, unfortunately, vary greatly depending on
> the computer they are run.
> On my laptop my implementation has been faster in 5 out of 6 cases.
> Anyway, the purpose of this thread is for any sudoku xslt
> implementation to improve, which I already see is the case.
> --
> Cheers,
> Dimitre Novatchev
> ---------------------------------------
> A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for
> other people.
> >
> > I have:
> >
> > AW1     AW2     DN
> > 52.5      10.7      15.75
> > 50.5      10.3      15.81
> > 49.5      10.5      15.9
> >
> > The tests were run using SaxonB 8.7 from the command line with the -3
> > option to run the transform 3 times.
> >
> > One difference to note is that my stylesheet is a "standalone"
> > stylesheet which needs the -it switch, whereas yours is the more
> > traditional one which uses an input XML.  I doubt this is that
> > significant but Saxon does produce different output for the two types
> > when using the -t switch (no memory info for standalone).
> >
> > Either way, when using the "fiendish" board you've provided, I place
> > mine at just over 50% faster than yours at the moment :)

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