[xsl] Identity Transformation of XML for web display

Subject: [xsl] Identity Transformation of XML for web display
From: "Karl Stubsjoen" <kstubs@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 17:49:58 -0700

I'd like to create an identity tranformation that replaces "<" this
and ">" this to "&lgt;" and "&glt" for display of the XML document on
an HTML page.  I can handle this part, but would like help with the
spacing of the elements as they appear hierachely.  So example, how to



you have to be very intuitive as to knowing at which depth you are in
your transformation to style this something like:

<div style="indent_3">&glt;C&glt;</div>

where style indent_3 is a margin of 20px for example.

Any help would be appreciated.


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