Re: [xsl] reversing or swapping nested node hierarchy

Subject: Re: [xsl] reversing or swapping nested node hierarchy
From: Chris Capon <abyss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 16:59:58 -0500
David Carlisle wrote:

>>Is it valid to design a stylesheet which depends on the order in which
>>templates are declared?
>No, the order makes no difference (except when recovering from an error)
>It is an error to have two templates that match a mode with the same
Where more than one template could match, I have always set the order of
the templates since the second always seems to take precidence over the
first.  Now I realize it is the wrong approach.

>>For instance, match="*" and match="*[b]" could both apply
>>to an element containing a <b> element.
>Both patterns match such an element but only the *[b] template will be
>invoked as *[b] has a higher default priority than *. You can override
>the default priority by going priority="123" for any number that you
Very cool.  I did not know that one could apply priorities to
templates.  That just makes life a whole lot easier.

Thank you.

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