Re: [xsl] How Move Footnote in Paragraph

Subject: Re: [xsl] How Move Footnote in Paragraph
From: "Mukul Gandhi" <gandhi.mukul@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 12:45:46 +0530
Hi Byomkesh,
 When this source XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <Text>This zine is about Egyptology<Intref
Refid="Pref02fn1"><Sup>1</Sup></Intref> <Intref
 <Text>States Accepting the<Intref Refid="Pref02fn2"><Sup>2</Sup></Intref>
<Intref Refid="Page_127">127</Intref></Text>

<!-- Preface Footnote -->

<Fnote Id="Pref02fn1" Label="1" Type="Footnote"><Smalltext>1. Source: United
<Fnote Id="Pref02fn2" Label="2" Type="Footnote"><Smalltext>2. Source:

<!-- Chapter Footnote -->

<Text>Structure that consists of 191 nation states.<Intref
<Fnote Id="Ch01Fn01" Label="1." Type="ChFootnote"><Smalltext><Emphasis
Type="Bold">1.</Emphasis> As of 2005, &#x201C;state,&#x201D; see <Intref
Refid="Ch02Lev1001">Chapter 2(A)</Intref>.</Smalltext></Fnote>

is transformed with this stylesheet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="";>

<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/document">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="Text" />

<xsl:template match="Text">
   <xsl:apply-templates />
<xsl:template match="Intref">
   <xsl:when test="ancestor::Fnote">
     <link id="{@Refid}">
       <xsl:apply-templates />
       <xsl:when test="starts-with(@Refid, 'Pref')">
         <footnote id="{@Refid}"
label="{../following-sibling::Fnote[@Id = current()/@Refid]/@Label}">
           <xsl:copy-of select="../following-sibling::Fnote[@Id =
current()/@Refid]//text()" />
       <xsl:when test="starts-with(@Refid, 'Page')">
         <xsl:apply-templates />
       <xsl:when test="starts-with(@Refid, 'Ch')">
         <footnote id="{@Refid}"
label="{../following-sibling::Fnote[@Id = current()/@Refid]/@Label}">
select="../following-sibling::Fnote[@Id = current()/@Refid]" />

<xsl:template match="Fnote">

<xsl:template match="Smalltext">

<xsl:template match="Emphasis">
 <xsl:copy-of select="." />


the desired output is produced:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <para>This zine is about Egyptology<footnote id="Pref02fn1" label="1">1. Sour
ce: United
Nations.</footnote> 50</para>
  <para>States Accepting the<footnote id="Pref02fn2" label="2">2. Source:
  <para>Structure that consists of 191 nation states.<footnote id="Ch01Fn01" la
        <Emphasis Type="Bold">1.</Emphasis> As of 2005, NCB#state,NCB% see <link
id="Ch02Lev1001">Chapter 2(A)</link>.</footnote>.</para>


On 7/3/06, Byomkesh <bkesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have problem facing in Linking Tags. Linking are 3 types.

<!-- Just remark Id -->

1. Pref02fn1      <!-- This footnote text move to paragraph in place of link
tags. -->
2. Page_50        <!-- Page attribute is not required in output file. Means
this tag is automatically remove. -->
3. Ch01Fn01    <!-- This footnote text move to paragraph in place of link
tags. -->

This my following XML File

<Text>This zine is about Egyptology<Intref Refid="Pref02fn1"><Sup>1</Sup></Intref> <Intref Refid="Page_50">50</Intref></Text> <Text>States Accepting the<Intref Refid="Pref02fn2"><Sup>2</Sup></Intref> <Intref Refid="Page_127">127</Intref></Text>

<!-- Preface Footnote -->

<Fnote Id="Pref02fn1" Label="1" Type="Footnote"><Smalltext>1. Source: United
<Fnote Id="Pref02fn2" Label="2" Type="Footnote"><Smalltext>2. Source:

<!-- Chapter Footnote -->

<Text>Structure that consists of 191 nation states.<Intref
<Fnote Id="Ch01Fn01" Label="1." Type="ChFootnote"><Smalltext><Emphasis
Type="Bold">1.</Emphasis> As of 2005, &#x201C;state,&#x201D; see <Intref
Refid="Ch02Lev1001">Chapter 2(A)</Intref>.</Smalltext></Fnote>

I want Output file  -->

<para>This zine is about Egyptology<footnote id="Pref02fn1" label="1">1.
Source: United Nations.</footnote>  50</para>
<para>States Accepting the<footnote id="Pref02fn2" label="2">2. Source:
International.</footnote> 127</para>

<para>Structure that consists of 191 nation states.<footnote id="Ch01Fn01"
label="1."<Emphasis Type="Bold">1.</Emphasis> As of 2005,
&#x201C;state,&#x201D; see <link id="Ch02Lev1001">Chapter 2(A)</link>. <!--
This Link replace same format. --></footnote></para>


My problem is how matching in particular footnote id and then move in right place. Secondly Link <Intref> tag is one but transform to three conditions. Third, If same link again appear in paragraph, its only replace link tag, for Exam. (<link id="Ch01Fn01">1</link> ).

Please carefully check in three condition.



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