[xsl] RE: [XSL] XSLT Unit Testing (FAO Jeni Tennison)

Subject: [xsl] RE: [XSL] XSLT Unit Testing (FAO Jeni Tennison)
From: "Weston, Toby" <toby.weston@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:50:00 +0100
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Florent Georges [mailto:darkman_spam@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 12 July 2006 09:43
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [xsl] FW: [XSL] XSLT Unit Testing (FAO Jeni Tennison)
> "Weston, Toby" wrote:
>   Hi
>> I'd previously done some work with Jeni Tennison's excellent XSLT
>> templates to unit test XSLT
>> [...]
>> I'd talked to Jeni but recently (last few months) she's been
>> unavailable (change of email?).
>   I don't know, but I also made some work inspired by her initial
> work, and we discussed this through some emails.  And I didn't
> received responses anymore since a few months, too :-(.  
>   If you're interested, you can check (work in progress!):
>     http://www.fgeorges.org/xslt-unit/xslt-unit.html
>   Jeni, if you listen here... :-)
>   Regards,
> --drkm

Hey Thanks!

That looks good, would you be interested in collaborating on this stuff? I'm
a Java developer so my work has been concentrated on allowing Jeni's
templates to work in a build env. The Ant task allows you to easily run many
tests (rather than just a single test al la the orginal templates) from a
batch file or via Ant and will fail if any of them fail. I'd like to convert
the numerous single HTML reports into a single summary report with links to
the single reports (like nUnit).

I can send you my stuff off-list if you like.

Perhaps the best way to collaborate it to go via something like


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