Re: [xsl] Keeping a running total? (Redo)

Subject: Re: [xsl] Keeping a running total? (Redo)
From: "Dimitre Novatchev" <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 12:35:12 -0700
Of course, the same solution can be re-written for XSLT 1.0.

FXSL for XSLT 1.0 also has a "scanl" and "map" templates.

Currying will have to be used explicitly.

The code will be a bit longer but it will implement the same algorithm.

As the time has come for everyone to consider moving to XSLT 2.0, I have stopped actively developing FXSL 1.x since almost two years ago.

FXSL 2.0 has undergone extensive development and I would recommend
using XSLT 2.0 + FXSL 2.0.

-- Cheers, Dimitre Novatchev --------------------------------------- Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.

On 7/12/06, Steve <subsume@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Very interesting. Do you think this will work with XSL 1.0?

My parser (MSXML) doesn' support 2.0, but I do have FXSL.


On 7/12/06, Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here's one possible solution:
> This transformation:
> <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
>  xmlns:xsl="";
>  xmlns:xs="";
>  xmlns:f="";
>  exclude-result-prefixes="f xs"

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